Perun - P90 MOSFET | VeloxAirsoft
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Perun P90 is a precisely and professionally made drop-in MOSFET system with adjustable active motor braking designed exclusively for P90 submachinegun replicas. It replaces the standard mechanical trigger bars and contacts with electronic microswitches for better reliability and longevity. The MOSFET is supplemented with optical and magnetic sensors in the build for increased durability of the gearbox. It also adds the option of individually programmed firing modes.
With a built-in diagnostic system, an electronic fuse, and a low-voltage alarm, the Perun P90 guarantees extra security for incorporated electronics. The set is compatible with the most popular P90 replicas on the market.

Additional features included in the MOSFET:
 The active braking system with the adjustable braking power
 Combination of binary trigger paired with adjustable sensitivity
 Programmable pre-coking for faster trigger response
 Adjustable rate of fire for a more authentic feeling
 DSG compatibility

Important note - Perun P90 is NOT compatible with G&G and Krytac-made models.

Perun - P90 MOSFET

SKU: 42126


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